
Read more about Ocular Coherence Tomography

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is an advanced technology that uses light waves to produce highly detailed images of the back part of the eye, such as glaucoma detection. OCT is capable of identifying early indications of common eye disorders, making it an incredible asset.

What conditions does OCT help diagnose?

OCT assists optometrists in managing various eye conditions such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, and other ocular and retinal disorders. With OCT, we can detect any ocular changes necessitating intervention at an early stage. Early detection is critical since it enables doctors to intervene and treat the condition, which leads to a more favorable prognosis.

Using an OCT, how did Dr. Pinkhasov diagnose glaucoma in her patient?

Dr. Pinkhasov, used OCT to diagnose a patient with glaucoma. The patient was concerned about developing glaucoma due to a family history of the disease, which is often asymptomatic until irreversible damage has occurred in the eye. Dr. Pinkhasov dilated the patient's pupils, examined the optic nerves, and checked for any glaucomatous defects. Additionally, she measured the patient's pressure, which was borderline. Dr. Pinkhasov took an OCT image to examine the thickness of the patient's nerve fiber layer, which is part of the optic nerve. Glaucoma causes optic nerve damage, and any thinning indicates harm to the nerve. The microscopic image of the patient's nerve fiber layer provided Dr. Pinkhasov with a quantitative measurement, which revealed some borderline thinning. Consequently, she had to monitor the patient closely since thinning was already present. A second OCT photograph was taken after two or three months to determine if the thinning had increased, and this quantitative measurement allowed Dr. Pinkhasov to recommend that the patient begin treatment.

How does an OCT work as a patient education tool?

OCT is an effective tool for educating patients. Often, patients do not fully understand the eye doctor's explanation. When patients have an image to compare their retina with a normal retina, they are better equipped to comprehend the condition of their eyes. Thus, patients and doctors can work together more effectively to manage any eye conditions.

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